Any student approaching completion of an award should confirm with the CFTEA office.
May 31st is the annual deadline to receive recognition for completed CFTEA awards. Please update CFTEA with name or organization changes to ensure proper printing and distribution of earned awards.

CFTEA diplomas offer college-level programs to support students for a successful career in the business world. Diplomas offer a long-range, educational career goal to build professional stability, confidence, and knowledge.
Diplomas focus primarily on hands-on learning of skills required or desired by potential employers. These programs can take anywhere from one semester to two years to complete.
Some diplomas also serve as embedded diplomas, which means that all the credits you earn are directly applied toward other diploma program options, giving you the option to advance your education and increase your career options and earning potential. Would your organization like to customize a certificate? Contact the CFTEA office to discuss options that meet your needs.
Explore Diplomas and course requirements by clicking on your selection below: