
Recognizing Student Success

Every year in June, recognition is provided to students that have completed certificates, certifications, and diplomas over the academic year. Find out who from your organization received honors and give them a high-five! It is well-deserved! Each day in June an organization’s employees are being highlighted on our social media – follow us and share your congratulations with family and friends! A Personal Thank You As a community non-profit, COVID hit our organization hard, as it did for many across


Course Update: Fighting Fraud Top Scams Targeting Our Nations Seniors

In 2018, CFTEA officially partnered with the U.S. Senate Committee on Aging to bring key education in protecting our most vulnerable population. We are pleased to announce that our material has been updated from 2020 and contains the latest reports and guidance. The new material will be incorporated into our new Certified Modern Banking Representative exam starting July 1. Fighting Fraud: Top Scams Targeting Our Nations Seniors is offered at no charge to protect our communities. As the older adult


Why is taking the first step always hard?

When you want to achieve something important, that first step is inevitably going to be daunting, even frightening. When you dare to make that first move, anxiety, and fear dissipate in the name of action. People that dive headfirst into taking that brutal first step aren’t any stronger than the rest of us; they’ve simply learned that it yields great results. They know that the pain of getting started is inevitable and that procrastination only prolongs their suffering. “The first


New Course Announcement: Instant Messaging in the Workplace

As technology advances, communication morphs into something that is perhaps familiar, but different. Most people communicate using instant messages in their personal life, but how is it different in the workplace? What are the best practices for effective communication using instant messages with co-workers and what are the risks? This course examines the powerful benefit of using instant messaging effectively at work and how to ensure that we aren’t annoying co-workers by ignoring the proper use of the technology. Instant


How to Teach Your Teenager Financial Responsibility

If your teenager has started their first part-time job, begun to earn an allowance, or is eager to enter the work force, now is the time to talk about money. Financial responsibility is a lifelong lesson, but by laying down the foundation of financial smarts early, your teenager will better understand how to budget, save, and spend now and in the future. The following tips will help you teach your teen how to take responsibility for their finances. Stress the


What Is My Why? Amber Thatcher (Claremont Savings Bank)

Over and over, we hear how CFTEA has supported aspiring career seekers to advance through the various stages of their careers. 🏆   Amber Thatcher from Claremont Savings Bank explains how she has been impacted. As an Operations Specialist II, Amber is effectively using her knowledge for day-to-day tasks. A huge congratulations to Amber for gaining such a premiere status!   What is your why for taking CFTEA courses? #whatismywhy


Updated and New: Essential Online Chat with Customers

Always moving forward and looking to advance our course, Fundamentals of Chat Writing, provided an excellent and new option to look at the best practices related to leveraging chat writing. CFTEA’s education committee recently reviewed the material, offered suggestions, and the course has been updated. The new course is now called Essential Online Chat with Customers. This focused customer service course outlines key points to support an enhanced customer experience that stands apart from day-to-day online interactions. This course is


Meetings…Love them…Hate them…

When it comes to the workplace, they are undeniably important. Meetings are where new ideas are born, special projects are assigned, and a lot of politics and power dynamics play out. If you are low in the pecking order meetings can be a place where you are disrespected, interrupted, ignored, or even have your ideas stolen. Research has found that this happens to women, people of color,  and marginalized workers a LOT. On a more practical note, being heard is


Reminder: Semester Ending May 31, 2022

It is almost Student Award time! The deadline for completing courses to receive certificates, certifications, and diplomas is May 31, 2022. Questions or looking for your progress? Contact Tammy in our office. Looking to start your journey? Check out our educational career paths to begin the conversation today by taking the first step into a larger world! SAVE THE DATE: For health and safety, the Student Awards will be presented via Zoom on Wednesday, June 22. More details will be provided to your


Congratulations Portland Adult Ed Graduates

We always accomplish more by working together. Click Play to gain insight into the experience and hear their appreciation. The Adult Education programs in Maine have been working hard to provide high-quality education to those in the community while working to fill workforce gaps at financial institutions.  At the end of the program, CFTEA awards each graduate with an ABA Today’s Teller Certificate. The Portland, Maine location completed its third group of graduates in partnership with CFTEA and area financial

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