Category: Spotlight on Success

Spotlight On Success: Dana Cook

Dana Cook Security Federal Bank   Dana was selected as an honor student in our Principles of Banking class and CFTEA interviewed her about her experience: “As a person who has never worked in banking, My manager and I thought the Principles of Banking course would be a great foundation for my career within banking. This course set the tone for my continued growth and I look forward to taking more courses in the future. As a Financial Counselor that


Spotlight On Success: Alex Doble

Spotlight On Success Alex Doble Kennebunk Savings We talked with Alex about her CFTEA experience and this is what she had to say: ” I am a Sales and Service Representative at the Newmarket branch of Kennebunk Savings. I decided to take classes with CFTEA because I was brand new to banking and I am the kind of person that needs to know why I am doing things a certain way. I thought by taking these classes would clarify why


Spotlight On Success: Danielle Worster

Danielle Worster Machias Savings Bank We spoke with Danielle on her CFTEA experience; this is what she had to say. “I started with Machias Savings bank a little over 2 years ago. I was recently promoted to Customer Service Team Leader in April of this year. Being prepared for future opportunities is very important to me. I found that CFTEA provided a great platform for me to gain the necessary knowledge to succeed in anything I chose. When I started


What Is My Why: Betsy Coburn

What Is My Why Betsy Coburn Bar Harbor Bank & Trust “I feel that CFTEA is a great resource to further my knowledge in finances and it helps me get one step closer to the position I want with the company I work for. There is an endless variety of courses to take which means CFTEA fits a huge range of people’s needs.” #WhatIsMyWhy


#WhatIsMyWhy Contest: Sara Hammond

#WhatIsMyWhy Contest Sara Hammond Partners Bank   #WhatIsMyWhy Contest Sara Hammond Partners Bank​ “CFTEA has provided me with great opportunities to further my knowledge in banking as well as to expand my skills” Thank you Sara for your continued support of CFTEA!


#WhatIsMyWhy Contest: Joline Obie

Joline Obie Northeast Bank “I use CFTEA a lot to help with staff development. It is my go to site to recommend courses that will move employees forward in their careers. I like it because you’re working with other bankers so you’re able to really bounce ideas off one another and get the most out of the class.”


Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council: Lisa Thomas

  Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council Lisa Thomas Gorham Savings Lisa Thomas is the Learning and Development Officer at Gorham Savings Bank. Currently she serves on the CFTEA council and we asked her some questions about her CFTEA experience. Here’s what she had to say: “Since I started at the bank in 1992 I’ve taken classes with CFTEA so I figured what better way to help promote, offer suggestions and stay informed, than to join the council. Becoming a council member


Spotlight On Success: Taber Ashley

Spotlight On Success: Taber E Ashley Union Bank Taber received a Bachelor of Science in Business Studies in Management with a concentration in Human Resources and a minor in Economics. She is currently enrolled in “Today’s Workplace” offered by CFTEA and is always up for more opportunities when it comes to learning. Here is what she said about her CFTEA experience: “When I started at [Union Bank], a few of my co-workers were enrolled in classes with CFTEA, so I


Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council: Beth Martin

Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council Beth Martin Community National Bank “I’ve always been interested in continuing education and working with CFTEA is great opportunity to learn more and to share these opportunities with others within my organization. I would recommend someone becoming a council member because it is a great learning and networking opportunity. The most rewarding part of being a council member is being able to learn from other members. I also enjoy the leadership training.”

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