Category: Spotlight on Success

Spotlight On Success: Heather Beckley

Spotlight On Success Heather Beckley Wells River Savings Bank   Here’s what Heather had to say about her CFTEA experience: “I started taking classes with CFTEA early on in my banking career because I didn’t have any banking experience.  I was working part-time and going to college full time; the flexibility of the self-study programs allowed me to complete Principles of Banking. This course gave me a good foundation to grow on. The next two classes that I’m going to


Spotlight on Success: Steven Hebert

Spotlight On Success:  Steven Hebert Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank “The Certified Modern Banking Representative suite of courses was the perfect path to jump-start my banking career. All information included in the certification is relevant to my duties as a Teller and Customer Service Representative and only strengthened the banking knowledge I had prior to the course. It’s definitely increased my confidence at work and dealing with customers. I can explain why things are the way they are a bit more


Spotlight on Success: Pam Veilleux

Pam Veilleux at Norway Savings Bank Student Awards Banquet Speaker This year, our student awards banquets went virtual to ensure the safety of all our graduates and supporters. At our June 10 virtual student awards banquet, student speaker Pam Veilleux from Norway Savings Bank shared her personal experience on how she has benefited from career development through our non-profit. “I have worked at Norway Savings Bank for a combined total of twenty-eight years.  Thirty years ago, this coming September, I


Instructor Spotlight On Success: Nancy Hines

Nancy Hines Mortgage Sales Trainer, Learning and Development Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group Many organizations faced with the dilemma of COVID-19 and training remotely simply have done away with training for the present, as they don’t offer online or remote classes for training purposes. When local instructors were not available to teach for NH Mutual Bancorp, Nancy was brought in as a seasoned distance learning instructor.  This type of remote instruction has allowed students access to quality educators – without a


Instructor Spotlight On Success: Katrina Randlett

Katrina Randlett NH Mutual Bancorp Many organizations faced with the dilemma of COVID-19 and training remotely simply have done away with training for the present, as they don’t offer online or remote classes for training purposes. NH Mutual Bancorp consisting of Meredith Village Saving Bank, Merrimack County Savings Bank (the Merrimack) and Savings Bank of Walpole has multiple locations throughout New Hampshire. How are they meeting new challenges to continue employee education? We sat down and talked with Katrina Randlett,


Spotlight on Success: Shanna Emanuel

Spotlight on Success:  Shanna Emanuel – Claremont Savings Bank Student Awards Banquet Speaker This year, our student awards banquets went virtual to ensure the safety of all our graduates and supporters. At our June 18 virtual student awards banquet, student speaker Shanna Emanuel from Claremont Savings Bank shared her personal experience on how she has benefited from career development through our non-profit. She had this to say to those in attendance, “I have been taking CFTEA courses for about ten years


Spotlight On Success: Jill Tetrault

  Spotlight On Success: Jill Tetrault Kennebunk Savings We spoke with Jill on her recent experience taking Legal Foundations in Banking from us at CFTEA: “Taking Legal Foundations in Banking has given me a better understanding of banking laws and regulations not only in how they relate to my current position but to Kennebunk Savings Bank as a whole. It has given me a firm foundation to continue to build from in my banking career. Webcourses can be difficult to


Spotlight On Success: Jarod Dos Santos

Spotlight On Success: Jarod Dos Santos TowneBank This is what Jarod had to say about his learning experience with CFTEA: “As a recent college graduate the Principles of Banking webcourse has helped me in many different ways. It has helped me better understand how banks work for the community and better understand how banks are run on a day to day basis in general. Being so new to banking it gets a little confusing sometimes on why some things are


Spotlight on Success: Kory Cantin Union Bank

Last year at our student awards banquets, CFTEA ran a contest to provide a free Introduction to Leadership Certificate. Kory Cantin, Commercial Loan Assistant at Union Bank, VT & NH was our winner! The content was new for CFTEA and we caught up with Kory after completing his certificate to get his insights into the experience and how it differed from other online training. “I’ve taken most of my classes in college online and I would have to say that


Spotlight On Success: Jessica Cash

Spotlight on Success: Jessica Cash Customer Service Representative Mechanics Savings, a division of Maine Community Bank Jessica was a guest student speaker at our 2019 student awards banquet in Auburn, Maine. Her story is one of inspiration. “Prior to banking, I worked two jobs. I wanted to find a job where I could grow and support my children. I started my job search and banking kept standing out to me. I started my career in banking just over a year

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