
Spotlight On Success: Dana Cook

Dana Cook Security Federal Bank   Dana was selected as an honor student in our Principles of Banking class and CFTEA interviewed her about her experience: “As a person who has never worked in banking, My manager and I thought the Principles of Banking course would be a great foundation for my career within banking. This course set the tone for my continued growth and I look forward to taking more courses in the future. As a Financial Counselor that


Create Your Own Certificate! Inconceivable? Not at CFTEA!

Summer is a great way to brush on skills and learn something new.  Our brief courses in this certificate allow you to continue learning and enjoy the sunshine!  Choose from topics that will provide personal well-being to support a proper work-life balance. Everyone likes to have a choice.  Complete three out of ten of our Summer Series courses to earn the 2021 Summer Learning Certificate.  Self paced courses are completely individually. Start your education journey today!


CFTEA Insider Volume 2021 03

At CFTEA, we hope you are having an amazing summer! Our quarterly newsletter – the CFTEA Insider – has arrived!  This brief and informative newsletter provides a special insider look at our educational non-profit.  Your time is important and this quick read is a great resource including early access to upcoming Fall 2021 classes!  Click the image to gain access to our third edition this year!


Ollie’s Photoshoot and Fall Wallpaper

Ollie is already planning ahead for Fall – his favorite season! Summer is coming to an end, and you know what that means: Fall is on its way. Starbucks has announced its famous pumpkin spice latte coming August 25 (already?!), your favorite stores are bringing out the cozy sweaters and scarves, and your local Target is fully stocked with back-to-school gear. If you’re a die-hard autumn lover who gets giddy with the chilly weather and colorful foliage every year, you’re


Anti-Fraud Principles

The risk of fraud is a serious concern for all types of organizations, for which a damaged reputation can have devastating consequences. It is important to appreciate the gift of trust and also have strategies in place that provide strong internal controls. As with all risk issues, the ultimate responsibility for identifying gaps and developing fraud controls rests with management. To meet this responsibility, management should avoid complacency and not assume that if fraud occurs “the auditors will catch it.”


Spotlight On Success: Alex Doble

Spotlight On Success Alex Doble Kennebunk Savings We talked with Alex about her CFTEA experience and this is what she had to say: ” I am a Sales and Service Representative at the Newmarket branch of Kennebunk Savings. I decided to take classes with CFTEA because I was brand new to banking and I am the kind of person that needs to know why I am doing things a certain way. I thought by taking these classes would clarify why


Appreciating Our Retiring Board Members!

CFTEA is a non-profit that is thrilled to develop and work with impactful leaders. As we close out our fiscal year, a number of our board members are finishing their time with us. They have been critical in their influence and leadership in standing out as career champions! We are focusing on the fond memories and wishing them well in the new chapters of their life! But, they will be greatly missed and their impact in guiding our non-profit, especially


Spotlight On Success: Danielle Worster

Danielle Worster Machias Savings Bank We spoke with Danielle on her CFTEA experience; this is what she had to say. “I started with Machias Savings bank a little over 2 years ago. I was recently promoted to Customer Service Team Leader in April of this year. Being prepared for future opportunities is very important to me. I found that CFTEA provided a great platform for me to gain the necessary knowledge to succeed in anything I chose. When I started


Welcoming New Board Member, Jenn Bailey

A huge welcome to our newest board member: Jenn Bailey of Claremont Savings Bank​! Jenn comes to CFTEA with a number of years of banking experience and is a former student. She worked for a non-profit for 12 years before entering the banking world. Jenn is a Branch Manager at Claremont Savings Bank and is looking to become an impactful leader with the CFTEA board. Jenn’s enthusiasm and people-focus are a great fit as she gains board experience. With how

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