
2022 Leader’s Conference Guest Speaker: Ann Burrill!!

We were beyond thrilled to have the AMAZING Ann Burrill of Androscoggin Bank provide a two-day program on our professional brand. The conversations were incredible and the feedback was brilliant! It was a huge win – and so appropriate in today’s world. Woot. Woot. Having a history with AIB that continues through CFTEA, Ann brings a special type of engagement and thoughtfulness to leaders everywhere!   A personalized thank you is not even enough to express our gratitude for the


2022 Spotlight Award Winner!

Our annual Spotlight award recognizes rising board leaders! Marjorie McAvoy from Biddeford Savings, a division of Maine Community Bank secured this award as an active board member. Marjorie never missed a meeting, engaged in the planning of our 25th anniversary Leader’s Conference, and is one of the first ones to offer thoughtful insight and support in our meetings. Her energy is contagious and she is so APPRECIATED. This desktop award is intended as a daily reminder of the gratitude of CFTEA.


Celebrating 20 years with CFTEA!

Congratulations to Tammy Perkins, Learning Engagement Specialist, for 20 years with CFTEA! If you have enrolled in a course, been an instructor, attended the Leader’s Conference, ordered materials, or asked questions about college transfers, guided learning, and well.. everything else, then you know Tammy. She is an amazing part of the non-profit and has seen changes in delivery channels, materials, a global pandemic, and more. Her attention to detail and knowledge make her a go-to person in and outside the


The Great Resignation’s Impact on Education Decisions (Fierce Education)

CFTEA has a number of affordable options to access college credits and workplace development opportunities. Discover how our non-profit can support the research article from Fierce Education. Amid the global disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the workforce experienced a sharp increase in the number of those leaving or changing jobs. This phenomenon is often referred to as the Great Resignation, and the trend has illuminated a collective desire of the American workforce for more rewarding and meaningful work. Historically, pursuing


2022 Leader’s Conference

In celebration of our silver anniversary as a non-profit, CFTEA held the 2022 Leader’s Conference with the theme, Building Tomorrow’s Talent Today at a live venue for the first time in three years! The powerful program topics, information, networking, and positive spirit led the day. The planning committee did an amazing job. The two-day program allowed board members, council members, and learning and development professionals to engage in a spirit of celebration. While this is our 25th anniversary as a


Congratulations Jay Hallam, Leaving a Legacy Award

A huge salute to former board member, Jay Hallam of Kennebunk Savings, for receiving our Leaving a Legacy Award. Jay’s feedback and engagement speak directly to our mission of professional helping the next generation of professionals in the banking industry. As a council member, board member, instructor, and guest speaker at our annual Leader’s Conference over the years, Jay’s presence is missed. He is committed to supporting career development. His years with our non-profit have allowed us to become the


2022 Making a Difference Award Winner

Brianna Critch of Claremont Savings Bank has been awarded our 2022 Making a Difference Award. The award is based on innovative thinking and inspiration. In the post-pandemic world, CFTEA is constantly growing in an effort to provide career thinking to the next generation of professionals. As an active CFTEA council member, Brianna engages in a way that provides opportunities that aren’t just the same thing the non-profit has always done. At one of the council meetings, Brianna suggested that young


What Is My Why? Lise Patterson

Lise Patterson Androscoggin Bank   “I have been active with CFTEA for some years. It has provided me with exposure to courses that I may have otherwise not had the opportunity to take. With the help of the courses, I have grown from a customer service representative to my current position. Several years ago I became a council member. Expanding my reach through further collaboration with like-positioned users strengthened my support for CFTEA. In my position as board president, and


Demand Increasing for Nonmedical Benefits

Studies repeatedly cite health insurance as the most desired workplace benefit among employees. However, recent studies show an increasing demand for nonmedical workplace benefits. CFTEA provides career-specific training that is a key benefit for employees to support in gaining talent. In November 2021, LIMRA reported that nonmedical benefits are expected to increase 20% by 2026. This data comes from a survey conducted by LIMRA and Ernst & Young. Findings from the survey: Employees have a growing interest in nonmedical benefits,


Announcing: ABA Certificate Updates

The following certificates have been updated by ABA: Certificate in Deposit Compliance Certificate in Lending Compliance Core Concepts The following certificates have been added by ABA: Certificate in Compliance Essentials Certificate in Mortgage Lending Compliance Students currently completing the old versions of the Certificate in Deposit and Lending Compliance will not see disruption and can complete the old material. New students will receive the new programs.

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