Category: News

2020 Making a Difference Award

Making a Difference Award – Joe Happnie, MEMIC Joe recently joined the CFTEA board.  While the pandemic has hampered the ability to meet together in person, he has continued to provide fresh perspectives on learning and development that challenge the future of CFTEA course delivery. The Making a Difference Award is based on innovative thinking and inspiration. Despite a brief time on the board, a pandemic and his first child on the way, Joe recorded and was the guest speaker


Recognizing Council of the Year!

Sapphire Award – Council of the Year :  Lakes Region New Hampshire Our Lakes Region council is small but mighty!  A huge congratulations to Katrina Randlett for her innovative approaches to education that allowed the financial institutions under the New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp to continue learning during this health crisis. Katrina’s work at leveraging ideas and innovation to create engaging environments for continued learning while reducing travel, focusing on health and safety and charging forward to still support employee learning


Leaders Conference Winner: Jill Tetrault

Congratulations, Jill Tetrault! Jill is the winner of the 2020 virtual Leaders Conference word scramble, video challenge. The word was DISCOVER. Join us in congratulating Jill for earning a guided learning course of her choice using our new LMS – CFTEA Workplace! Discover CFTEA and all it has to offer your career!


2020 Virtual Leaders Conference a Success!

Three cheers for attendees at the 2020 CFTEA Virtual Leaders Conference! While meeting in person wasn’t an option due to COVID-19, the energy and sharing came through the learning and development community! Thank your for your attendance and engagement. Our conference had over fifty in attendance from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Virginia! For those that weren’t able to attend – follow CFTEA on Facebook or on our news page for the latest information and announcements coming out of our


The Banking Manager in the Now Economy

As leaders over the past several months, we have been tasked to continue growing the bank while at the same time keeping our team motivated.  We want to roll out the red carpet and invite you to join us for an exciting, timely, dynamic training where we can share challenges and best practices.  You will walk away with specific go-to’s to help you navigate the months ahead.  You are a winner, and we welcome your participation in this seminar!  


Sneak Peek: Construction on our new Guided Learning Experience

Sneak Peek:  Construction on our new Guided Learning Experience Over the summer, focused work started to enhance the student experience with our Guided Learning or Assisted Self Study Program as it was formerly called. Through our new, secure LMS students will have new experiences, such as: A single portal to all assigned courses. Materials in a secure location for easy access. Access to all completed courses with percentages showing how much of the course is left. All assessments will be


Why Aren’t Courses Listed In the Catalog Anymore?

Why aren’t courses listed in the catalog anymore? Beyond going green, our website is constantly up to date and allows for quick searches through lots of course title and formats. Use the search field under the Courses tab to find your exact fit in advancing your career!


How To Find Courses?

Important Update: Our catalog has always had our courses in it and was always out of date. Our new catalog highlights our non-profit and programs and the listing of courses has transitioned to our website to allow for easy search and links to course descriptions. Unlock your potential using this green feature to support saving our planet’s natural resources!

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