Category: News

Announcing New Partner TestOut.

Making a difference TestOut makes online IT training courseware to empower people to get trained, certified, and career-ready. Over the past 25 years, we’ve developed a training methodology that suits every learning style and allows maximum engagement and retention. We don’t just help you learn—we give you experience. More than just training videos or test prep, our lab simulations include integrated hardware, operating system, and networking labs that let you apply what you’ve learned in real-world job situations. With TestOut you


Searching Our Course Catalog Is A Snap!

Are you looking for a specific course?  Many times students start by looking at certificates, diplomas and certifications.  However, by using the search function found directly on the course page our vast library of hundreds of courses becomes snag to navigate.  Type in a few letters in the search field and the list will begin to automatically filter.  By clicking on the course, students can find out detailed information and objectives of the course, how long the course is as


Tip: Update Your Beneficiaries Each Year

At the start of a new year, there are so many things to check and goals to tackle.  If you haven’t done it yet, tackling an annual check of your beneficiaries on your Pay on Death (POD) accounts at financial institutions and more allow you to retake control of your finances.  ​A periodic review of all your beneficiary designations is an essential step in the financial planning process. Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you’re like most Americans, you


When Did You Last Review Your Beneficiaries?

Do you know who your beneficiaries are? If you’re not sure of the answer, it’s definitely time for a beneficiary review. Making sure you know who your designated beneficiaries are is an important part of the estate planning process. But when is a good time for that review? It’s always a good idea to review your beneficiary designations after a major life event, such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child. Regular reviews are also a wise decision


Welcoming New Board Member, Brea Hatch

A huge welcome to our newest board member: Brea Hatch of Bangor Savings Bank​ Brea comes to CFTEA with 12 years of retail banking experience. She is currently working on her Business Administration degree from Southern Maine Community College and Husson University. Brea is a former student and instructor for CFTEA. Brea is an Internal Auditor at Bangor Savings with an extensive background in banking and volunteer opportunities, such as New Hope for Women She looks forward to working with


Our Certifications Page has been updated!

We’ve heard you!   With the launch of our new website there will still items to fix. One of the key questions we get is – how much does something cost? There were description pages, but they weren’t tied to products.   Eureka! The first phase is complete and our Certifications now tied directly to products for easy ordering and additional information.   Work is currently progressing on our Diploma page and updates will appear when that page is finalized.


Announcing New Certificates, Diplomas and Courses for 2021!

As our library of career paths increases (currently there are 35!), new certificates, diplomas and courses become available or updated to meet the  changing needs of today’s world.  Starting Summer 2021, CFTEA is proud to announce the following new student awards available. Getting advanced certifications isn’t just about adding credentials to your resume. You are also learning valuable skills that you can apply to your day-to-day job. This can help you become better at regular tasks that might otherwise be


Welcoming New Board Member, Marjorie McAvoy

A huge welcome to our newest board member: Marjorie McAvoy of Biddeford Savings​! Marjorie comes to CFTEA with 15 years of banking experience and 7 years in management. She has her Bachelors in International Business Management from Southern New Hampshire University and is currently working on her Masters Degree. Marjorie is a Branch Manager at Biddeford Savings Bank with an extensive background in banking and volunteer opportunities. She looks forward to working with our highly positive and collaborative board where


Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council: Jennie Lund

  Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council Jennie Lund Union Bank Jennie Lund is a Branch Manager for Union Bank, Groveton, NH. Currently she serves on the CFTEA council and we asked her some questions about her CFTEA experience. Here’s what she had to say: “When I was asked to join as a council member, I accepted and was excited to learn more about CFTEA with hopes to become better versed in order to help our bank’s employees advance their personal career


Five Tips for Healthy Social Distancing

Social distancing is difficult for everyone’s mental health. How can we try to follow these guidelines in a healthy way?  Here are a few recommendations provided by The Royal College of Occupational Therapists: Establish a Daily Routine Many people are now spending the majority of their time at home, which can be harmful to physical and mental health. During this time, it’s best to try and stay disciplined. Making a plan week by week or day by day may help provide

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