Category: News

What is Self-Paced Online?

Looking for a way to access content with flexibility? Self Paced courses allow students to complete the content within a few months completely online and at any time they want. While there isn’t a dedicated instructor, many of our self-paced formats include an Ask an Expert feature to provide a lifeline when there is confusion. If that feature is missing, our office is always happy to support student questions or technical issues.   Many of our Self Paced courses also



The New Hampshire Employment Security is providing New Hampshire organizations with grant money to support training from the Job Training Fund. Acceptable use of grant funds: Structured, on-site laboratory or classroom training Basic Skills Technical Skills Quality Improvement Safety Management and Supervision English as a Second Language Other training programs that enhance the state’s workforce development Learn more by visiting the New Hampshire Employment Security for WorkInvestNH (formerly known as NH Job Training Fund) Applications are available for consideration


Looking for Quick Help Searching Our Courses

We are always looking to improve your experience. Based on feedback our course search function has been enhanced! What are the new features to help you sort through hundreds of courses? Play the two-minute instructional video for all the benefits.


Finding Recertification Credits

CFTEA recognizes the value of professional development through lifelong learning and supports formats that cater to individual learning needs and preferences. Many professional credits are required to keep certifications current. Our course names were updated to include professional credits to allow for easy searching. At our course listing type in any of the following credentials and see how you can work toward maintaining the required educational credits each year: ACE CREDIT CAFPs CCTSs CEUs CISPs CityUs CFMPs CFREs CRCMs CRSPs


What is Instructor-Led Online?

With so many styles of learning available, what exactly are Instructor Led Online courses?   These courses provide a set weekly structure of assignments and interactions through an online portal. In many ways, it is compared to the experience of an online course through a college. Beyond the flexibility, the biggest advantage is weekly accountability to progress effectively in the course.   This year, Principles of Banking was added as an instructor-led online course. And many instructor-led online courses allow


Looking for Employees?

With a tight labor market, it was a team effort to bring this program to reality. ABA Materials and Certification 10 Banks and Credit Unions 8 Students 2 Students hired before completing the program! CFTEA partnered with Portland Adult Education in 2020 to provide training and certification for their Teller Training program. Recently, the third group of amazing students graduated in person! The program brought together banks and credit unions to support the students. The students carried business and educational


Advancement in our 2030 Strategic Goals!

Our carbon footprint has been reduced with the addition of solar to the CFTEA office!   In a recent LinkedIn article: “Climate change is impacting the planet much more severely at lower levels of warming than previously anticipated, an alarming new report by UN climate body IPCC concludes. Extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and floods, stand to happen more frequently, affecting billions of people, and taking a heavier toll on humans and other species even in the best-case scenario,


Updated: Frauds, Scams, and Cons for 2022!

For most people, a new year represents new opportunities and a chance to start over. However, for fraudsters, it looks like everything old is new again in 2022 – this includes everything from get-rich-quick schemes, to crypto scams, to romance frauds, and more. But one thing fraudsters will do differently this year is pay closer attention to their victims’ lives.   As younger people join the digital banking system, fraudsters are eager to take advantage of their unfamiliarity with digital


What is a Virtual Classroom?

Many of us are missing the impact of live interaction. That is no exception in our courses. There is a unique sharing that professionals experience by connecting in a shared learning environment.   With demands on time, travel, and health and safety concerns – our virtual classrooms (formerly webcourses) are the closest to a live engagement from the comfort of home or work. Virtual classroom instructors engage in a higher level of training to ensure the course is engaging and


Talent Wars – Mainebiz Article

Updated: April 4, 2022 FOCUS ON BANKING & FINANCE Teller talent wars: Maine banks, credit unions get more strategic about filling entry-level jobs                       PHOTO / JIM NEUGER Kenyon Knue at work as a teller at Maine Savings Federal Credit Union in Hampden. By Renee Cordes MaineBiz Magazine Banking is brand new for 29-year-old Kenyon Knue, a former preschool teacher who started as a teller at Maine Savings Federal Credit Union in Hampden in

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