Residential Loan Underwriting Diploma

Residential Loan Underwriting Diploma

The most common type of underwriter is a mortgage loan underwriter. Mortgage loans are approved based on a combination of an applicant’s income, credit history, debt ratios, and overall savings. Mortgage loan underwriters ensure that a loan applicant meets all of these requirements, and they subsequently approve or deny a loan. Underwriters also review a property’s appraisal to ensure that it is accurate and the home is worth the purchase price and loan amount. Mortgage loan underwriters have final approval for all mortgage loans. Loans that are not approved can go through an appeal process, but the decision requires overwhelming evidence to be overturned. This diploma builds on the Residential Loan Underwriting Certificate to give job-specific knowledge and confidence to the process.   (Formerly CFT Training)

Select from the following formats (click blue checkmarks) to gain course information and pricing.  Courses may be taught in-house or live based on requests to the CFTEA office.

Required Courses

Instructor Led Online

Guided Learning

Self Paced

Virtual Classroom

  • Appraisal Procedures

  • Contributing to a Respectful Workplace

  • Critical Thinking Skills

  • Dealing with Distractions

  • Determining Your Role in Fraud Prevention

  • Discovering FHA Programs

  • Excel Advanced Skills

  • Fair Lending Overview 

  • Flood Insurance

  • Legal Foundations in Banking 

  •  Mortgage Fraud, Detection, Reporting, and Prevention

  • Mortgage Fraud and Ethical Behavior

  • Principles of Banking


  • Residential Mortgage Lending


  • Reviewing the Appraisal Report

  • Regulation Z:  Ability to Repay (ATR) and Qualified Mortgage for Compliance Professionals

  • Written Communication




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