Format: Live, Webcourse, Self Paced
Today’s Supervisor program has been updated with new, relevant materials that speak to the needs of new supervisors in the current and future business world. The modules have been organized to better complement and build on each section during this interactive program. The final assessment is provided online and the grade is available upon completion. (Formerly CFT Training).
Who should attend? Newly promoted supervisors or team leaders with less than one year of experience in this position; process and production supervisors who want to enhance their effectiveness through supervisor training. Feel empowered to hit the ground running with the skills learned in this course. Be ready to take on any task and bring your best self to the job, while adopting new habits that will quickly get you on the path to greater success.
In this high-impact program, our material will help new supervisors like you avoid common pitfalls. Get the secrets and essential skills of managing people, from delivering corrective feedback and coaching to conflict resolution and delegation.
Select from the following formats (checkmarks) to gain course information and pricing. Courses may be taught in-house or live based on requests to the CFTEA office.