Category: News

Applications for New Board Members Open October 1, 2021

Serving on a volunteer board of directors can be one of the great pleasures of your life. When a candidate and a nonprofit are well-matched, serving on a board can be personally and professionally rewarding. Each year, CFTEA looks at available openings on their volunteer board of directors.  Have you considered serving as a board member? Applications Open in October and close by the end of January.  New board members that meet the needs of the organization begin at the


2021 Sapphire Award

Each year a council has been chosen that stood out with enrollments and learning engagement.  This year, our councils were restructured into our new Community Advisory Council focusing on key career needs identified within different communities. With the consolidated councils, our Sapphire Award has transitioned into looking at specific organizations and key contributors that actively promote learning and development for their employees.  With the start of the pandemic, organizations found themselves in new territory.  Plans for training were mostly halted


CFTEA receives the Platinum Seal of Transparency

Woot! Woot! CFTEA earned a 2021 Platinum Seal of Transparency! Learn more about our organization’s impact through our #NonprofitProfile on Candid According to’s report, the top reasons inspiring trust are the nonprofit’s accomplishments, reputation, and financials. On the flip side, donors cited greed and high compensation, negative reputation, and lack of honesty and transparency as the most common reasons to distrust a charity.  The research also found organizations that elect to be more transparent had stronger performance across


2021 Making a Difference Award

The pandemic has been a challenging time for nonprofits, like us.  Having strong board members that support continued growth is critical now more than ever! The Making a Difference Award is based on innovative thinking and inspiration.  The winner this year is a board member that has started some rather large and innovative conversations to bring CFTEA options to a new market.  During their time on the board the recipient has asked skillful questions and shared their story of career


Pardon Our Dust!

Our Learning Management System CFTEA Workplace is experiencing an upgrade and will be unavailable from Monday, September 20, 2021 from 8:30am – 10:30am.  Upon completion of the upgrade, access will return to normal. If you are experiencing issues accessing your courses after the upgrade is complete, please contact our office for support.


When something old is reborn! Councils Return!

The power of CFTEA has been the deep community connections and support of professionals giving back. There were times a number of years ago, where councils struggled to find their place within the organization.  What role would they play in the world of today and tomorrow?  During the changing times of the global pandemic, our board of directors re-examined the duties and purpose of our regional councils in light of our mission to keep things relevant and beneficial.  Like the


Learn Anytime, Anywhere!

We are proud to announce a new partnership with college and national training organization, Test Out. Using a combination of video instruction, text summaries, demonstrations, online lab simulations and quizzes, TestOut’s LabSim is an affordable and powerful tool to gaining certifications for Information Technology and Microsoft Office. Whether you are training for certifications from CompTIA, CISCO or Microsoft, TestOut’s success rate is remarkable.  When you pass the associated practice exam, included free in the course, the success rate for passing


Important Fraud Reminder

Each day we read or hear in the news of another case of fraud in non-profits and businesses.  The risk of fraud is a serious concern for all types of organizations, for which a damaged reputation can have devastating consequences. It is important to appreciate the gift of trust and to also have strategies in place that provide strong internal controls. As with all risk issues, the ultimate responsibility for identifying gaps and developing fraud controls rests with management. To


Look What Is Coming… Fall 2021

A lot of things were put on hold during the last year!    However, Fall 2021 is around the corner and registration is open.  Use the linked buttons to find out more or visit our website at  Secure your spot today. Would you like a specific course offered live in your area?  Contact the CFTEA office or visit to make your request.                                  

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