
Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council: Jennie Lund

  Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council Jennie Lund Union Bank Jennie Lund is a Branch Manager for Union Bank, Groveton, NH. Currently she serves on the CFTEA council and we asked her some questions about her CFTEA experience. Here’s what she had to say: “When I was asked to join as a council member, I accepted and was excited to learn more about CFTEA with hopes to become better versed in order to help our bank’s employees advance their personal career


Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council: Lisa Thomas

  Spotlight On CFTEA’s Council Lisa Thomas Gorham Savings Lisa Thomas is the Learning and Development Officer at Gorham Savings Bank. Currently she serves on the CFTEA council and we asked her some questions about her CFTEA experience. Here’s what she had to say: “Since I started at the bank in 1992 I’ve taken classes with CFTEA so I figured what better way to help promote, offer suggestions and stay informed, than to join the council. Becoming a council member


Five Tips for Healthy Social Distancing

Social distancing is difficult for everyone’s mental health. How can we try to follow these guidelines in a healthy way?  Here are a few recommendations provided by The Royal College of Occupational Therapists: Establish a Daily Routine Many people are now spending the majority of their time at home, which can be harmful to physical and mental health. During this time, it’s best to try and stay disciplined. Making a plan week by week or day by day may help provide


Welcoming New Council Member: Thomas Bruce

Cue the confetti!! We are so pleased to announce the addition of AVP Branch Manager, Thomas Bruce from TowneBank to our Virginia council.  Thank you so much for choosing us! Would you like to learn more about the role of advisory council members?  Contact us for more information.  We’d love to add your energy and ideas to our team!


Save the Date: 2021 Virtual Student Award Programs

Our students have worked amazingly hard during a worldwide pandemic to complete certificates, certifications and diplomas in various career paths.  It’s time to celebrate their success!   CFTEA will be offering two dates for our second go-around with our Student Awards.  Registration will be provided to organizations in April to secure the desired date of their cheering parties around these graduates!! Dates for upcoming Student Award Banquets are Wednesday, June 16 or Wednesday, June 23.  The programs will start at 6pm. 


When is it OK to Accept Last-Minute Contributions?

By Jennifer Bassett, CIP, CISP, QKA, CHSP – Source:  Ascensus We all have them—clients who wait until the very last minute to file their tax returns. Those same clients are the ones who will be in your office at 4 p.m. on April 15 to make a 2020 contribution (i.e., a prior-year contribution). Although they may be making a contribution at the last minute, at least you know that they’re making it by their tax filing deadline. But what about


Smart Ways to Invest Your Tax Refund – Support Your Retirement

While you may not enjoy doing your taxes, receiving a healthy refund makes it all worthwhile. Your immediate impulse might be to use that sudden windfall on something you’ll enjoy. But investing that money with the future in mind may ultimately be the better choice, and you’ll have several different options for making your money stretch further. Support your retirement Retiring and enjoying your golden years to the fullest is the American dream, and there’s never a wrong time to


Smart Ways to Invest Your Tax Refund – Build Up Your Savings

While you may not enjoy doing your taxes, receiving a healthy refund makes it all worthwhile. Your immediate impulse might be to use that sudden windfall on something you’ll enjoy. But investing that money with the future in mind may ultimately be the better choice, and you’ll have several different options for making your money stretch further. Build up your savings If you’re in a fortunate situation where you don’t need your tax refund for anything in particular, you can


Happy Retirement, CFTEA Fax Machine!

After years of receiving faxes, the CFTEA office has now transitioned to fully use our learning management system to manage quizzes and assessments.  Our fax machine was receiving 90% SPAM and it was time to retire the technology.  In the rare situation when you are looking to provide documentation via fax, please contact our CFTEA office and we’ll be happy to assist. “Fax machines are fine for transmitting information, but there is nothing that makes that information immediately usable or


Smart Ways to Invest Your Tax Refund: Pay Off Your Debt

While you may not enjoy doing your taxes, receiving a healthy refund makes it all worthwhile. Your immediate impulse might be to use that sudden windfall on something you’ll enjoy. But investing that money with the future in mind may ultimately be the better choice, and you’ll have several different options for making your money stretch further.

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