Category: News

Managing E-Mails from CFTEA

      We are helping manage your inbox! The number one piece of feedback to CFTEA is too many e-mails. To assist, we have requested that our webinar vendor no longer send e-mails on our behalf. All webinars are still available and may be found at our web￾site—we just won’t be sending you seven or more emails daily! Our webinars, including free ones, updated monthly are found here. As of this posting, our CFTEA office only sends students a


Fall 2020 Livestream Webcourses Offer Safety and Convenience

Spotlight:  Livestream Webcourses Getting the opportunity to learn in an online, education environment is one of the best experiences. Using today’s technology, we are able to provide you the high-quality, online experience that can be completed from the safety and comfort of your own home. During our live stream (webcourse) classes, you will be able to interact with our expert instructors and participate in your online learning community. To participate in our live stream (webcourse) classes, students will need a


COVID-19 Update and Summer/Fall 2020 Semester

COVID-19 Update: The majority of our coursework is 100% online to protect our instructors and students. Any live classes maintain appropriate social distancing and locations with CDC cleaning standards.   This semester continues to see changes in education approaches from grades school to college. CFTEA is prepare to help you continue your career goals uninterrupted.   Check out our Summer-Fall 2020 Catalog for the latest offerings!


Student Awards Banquet Spotlighter 2019-2020

This year was very different -focusing on health and safety yet still working to recognize the hard work and dedication of students and their supportive employers.  For the first time in our history, we conducted digital student awards banquets on Zoom.  The energy and positive feedback allowed for a focus on some good news – when 2020 has been more than a challenge for everyone. A huge thank you to all our supporters who are providing key focus on our


CFTEA Fall 2020 Catalog Released!

Our Fall 2020 catalog has been updated and includes an easy to read format, hyperlinks within the document to take readers to course descriptions and additional information directly on our website and highlights upcoming options for safe, distance learning. Looking for a specific course?  Search our website for course names, types and locations in our extensive library to find the latest descriptions and updates. Get the latest information on: New Educational Career Paths Certified Modern Banking Representative (updated Certified Teller)


Ollie’s Summer Semester Deals!

Summer arrives shortly and our mascot, Ollie, is ready to hit the beach with appropriate social distancing!  He’s also gearing up to jumpstart his education with some great summer options while on the go.     At CFTEA, we wanted to highlight the best of what we have to offer this summer to allow you to jumpstart your learning and save money at the same time.  Thank you for sharing with others that may benefit from these options. Ending June


Celebrating our 2019-2020 Instructors Part 3 of 3

Everyday we remain grateful for the passion and effort of those who work so hard to give back to the professional community as CFTEA instructors. We can’t say it enough — the incredible people and their organizations that focus on the importance of career development. WIth COVID-19, our instructors have balanced their own lives and provided quality distance education at a time when it was so desperately needed. For our students, any transition in the instruction model has been seamless.


Celebrating our 2019-2020 Instructors Part 2 of 3

Everyday we remain grateful for the passion and effort of those who work so hard to give back to the professional community as CFTEA instructors. We can’t say it enough — the incredible people and their organizations that focus on the importance of career development. WIth COVID-19, our instructors have balanced their own lives and provided quality distance education at a time when it was so desperately needed. For our students, any transition in the instruction model has been seamless.


2020 Virtual Banquet Slideshow

CFTEA was pleased to share this pre-banquet slideshow with attendees highlighting banquets of the past and information on our non-profit for today and tomorrow.

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