Develop the key skills essential to successful bank marketing. Discover best practices for developing a comprehensive strategic marketing plan, including setting objectives, implementing action plans, creating a budget, and evaluating ROI. Explore tactics to assess customers, markets, and opportunities. Learn how to better leverage social media to expand your reach and build your bank’s brand. Gain insight into managing marketing activities from brand management to PR to digital marketing, and learn the key regulatory guidelines for bank marketing.
By completing the ABA Foundational Certificate in Bank Marketing curriculum, you’ll strengthen your knowledge of marketing’s role in a financial institution and within the banking industry as a whole. (Formerly CFT Training)
Select from the following formats (checkmarks) to gain course information and pricing. Courses may be taught in-house or live based on requests to the CFTEA office.
Required Courses |
Instructor Led Online |
Guided Learning |
Self Paced |
Virtual Classroom |