Establish a working knowledge of marketing management. Examine best practices for managing public relations and digital marketing campaigns, as well as ongoing brand management. Learn how to prioritize projects, assess performance, and balance resources. Explore ways to deliver strong return on investment (ROI).
Marketing Management examines management activities from ongoing brand management to public relations and digital marketing to return on investment. Understanding the practices needed to prioritize projects, assess performance and balance resources will enhance your marketing success. To be an active contributor on a marketing team you must have working knowledge of marketing management.
** Some vendors provide a price without textbook & shipping. CFTEA pricing includes all materials needed to complete your course. **
Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
- Identify the key management areas assigned to marketing
- Clarify the purpose and benefit of public relations
- Explain the importance of data management and direct marketing
- Examine activities that improve customer experience management
- Evaluate how to assess your return on marketing investment
There is no separate textbook for this course. All reading materials are posted online in your course.
This is a foundation course to examine the knowledgebase and management skills required to manage the marketing activities at a financial institution. It is designed for employees interested in taking an active role in the management of bank marketing.