
Announcing: UT Pro – What Is It?

Your Schedule. Your Learning Style. Your Problems, Solved. Level up your productivity for Microsoft Office, Teams, Adobe, and more! This annual subscription would cost over $16,000 for separate courses – however, the subscription is all-inclusive for live, recorded, video micro-learning, questions answered by a team of subject matter experts, and reference cards for $395. The full library subscription provides total access – at a time of your choosing. New content is added to the library at no additional charge! Find


Spotlight on Success: Liz Pennell

Spotlight on Success: Liz Pennell Gorham Savings Bank Liz works as a Universal Banker at the West Falmouth branch of Gorham Savings Bank. She is the primary branch contact for all customer service needs from opening new accounts to sending wires to processing day-to-day transactions. She started her career at the bank two and a half years ago as a seasonal float teller. As a community bank, Liz truly appreciates the investment Gorham Savings Bank is making in her development.


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New Course: Managing Change and Uncertainty in the Workplace

Today’s workplace is anything but static and predictable. Organizations are struggling to do more with less as they try to keep up with rapidly changing technology and increasing competition. They grow, downsize, acquire, and merge. They develop new products and drop old ones. They seem to be continually reorganizing and restructuring. CEOs, managers, and colleagues come and go. Policies, procedures, and systems are jettisoned in favor of new ones. Employees change jobs, join new teams, and take on new responsibilities.


What Is My Why? Tina Coburn

What Is My Why: Tina Coburn – Claremont Savings Bank   “Continued education is very important in keeping me engaged and the courses I have taken over the years allow me to fit my education into my own schedule. I’m thankful to my organization and CFTEA for a great lineup of courses.”


New Special Diversity and Inclusion Bundle

A toxic work culture is the biggest reason why people quit, and it’s 10 times even more important than pay, according to research published in the MIT Sloan Management Review. But what exactly does a toxic workplace actually look like? Researchers analyzed 1.4 million Glassdoor reviews from nearly 600 major U.S. companies and found employees describe toxic workplaces in five main ways: non-inclusive, disrespectful, unethical, cutthroat and abusive. With the business world focused on retention and hiring these days, researchers on the MIT analysis


Welcome to New Council Member, Steven Richardson!

Regional Advisory Council Spotlight: Steven Richardson Director of Learning and Development Kennebec Savings Bank   A huge welcome to our newest council member, Steven! CFTEA Regional Advisory Council members provide key insights into the needs of the community and provide professional expertise with diverse perspectives. They are truly CFTEA champions! Council members are always invited as observers to board meetings and may look to become board members. What does Steven believe about joining as a new council member? “Down to


What Is My Why? Crystal Meyer

What Is My Why? Crystal Meyer – Mechanics Savings Bank, a division of Maine Community Bank   “I like how I can learn at my own pace and CFTEA gives you the tools to succeed. This has boosted not only my knowledge but my confidence. I’ve moved from a teller to CSR II in four years.”


How Professional Development Benefits You

As you grow in your career, remember no one is born brilliant at their job. Every successful person has been learning and working at their skills for a long time — taking advantage of professional development opportunities over the entirety of their career. The professional world is becoming increasingly competitive and is constantly changing, so professional development and continual learning is more important than ever in being successful and achieving career goals. Technologies and best practices are evolving and progressing

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