CFTEA Board Member Spotlight:
Melissa Greene
Union Bank VT

We interviewed Melissa Greene about her experience being a board member for CFTEA:

When I took the position at Union Bank as the Training Officer, the individual that was retiring highly recommended that I become a board member for CFTEA.

She felt that in order to successfully promote CFTEA classes, you needed to be actively involved in the organization.

I have now been on the board for three years and agree that I have been able to help employees with their educational goals by being on the CFTEA board.

I am part of the education committee which is perfect as I teach CFTEA classes and my primary responsibility at the bank is employee education.

I have loved to see all of the accomplishments that have happened the last three years.

I know that one of the biggest projects was updating the website and many of my employees say how much easier it is now to find information.

As it is with everything, the most challenging thing is time.

It is a very fulfilling position. It is exciting to see the excitement of individuals receiving certificates or diplomas at the annual banquets.”

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