Working Remotely Cost-Savings Bundle, CEUs, PDUs, SHRMs, HRCIs


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When we or our people are working from home we need new ways of working to reflect and benefit from this reality.

Working from home means;

  • getting set up – knowing what advantages and challenges to expect
  • connecting to your WFH community, preventing social isolation
  • balancing productivity with resilience – sustainable working from home
  • managing work and home boundaries and routines
  • applying the principles and practices of great remote collaboration
  • managing too many virtual meetings and a lack of online engagement
  • maintaining your personal effectiveness
  • maintaining trust and team spirit when we may not be able to meet
  • staying visible when working remotely
  • finding the right balance of trust and control

Professional Credits available: 

  • 8 IACET CEUs
  • 3 SHRM PDUs
  • 9 HRCI Credits
  • 1.5 PMI PDUs
  • 1 Leadership PDUs
  • .25 Strategic and Business PDUs
  • .24 Technical PDUs

Access for 90 days

This bundle includes access to the following courses:

HR Hot Topic:   The Future of Work

What will the future workspace look like? What are the “typical jobs” of tomorrow? How many hours a week will employees work? How will culture and technology affect the future of work? The answers to these questions are based on events, innovation, employer motivation, and the needs, preferences, and composition of the workforce. This course explores the future of work in the context of COVID-19, automation, artificial intelligence (AI), business sustainability, multi-generational workforces, different business models, increasing demand for flexible work arrangements, an evolving organizational culture, and a need for expanded accessibility.



HR Hot Topic: Flexible Work Arrangements

We live in a time where “alternative” work arrangements are becoming more and more the norm. Especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are exploring new ways of working and are seeing the benefits of greater adaptability as circumstances continue to change and evolve. Both employers and employees can benefit from flexible work arrangements, but offering greater flexibility is not without risk. In this course, you will explore flexible work arrangements, including remote work, flextime, job sharing, compressed workweeks, contracting, gig work, and permanent part-time positions. You will also learn how these flexible work arrangements affect   both the business objectives of an organization and the work-life balance of employees.



Work From Home:  Health and Wellness at Home

Working from home presents a unique set of challenges when it comes to maintaining mental and physical health. From increased feelings of social isolation, anxiety, and stress, to a decrease in physical activity, sleep quality, and motivation, many people find that working from home is not necessarily    a dream-like experience. This course provides learners with the knowledge and practices to gain and sustain optimum health and wellness at home. In addition, it provides guidance for improving sleep hygiene, practicing mindfulness, developing  healthy  eating  habits,  exercising,  and  tracking health  with technology.



Work From Home:  Technology at Home

The key to a productive workday at home is being prepared for all the technology needs that accompany work-from-home situations. Nothing is worse than a frozen Zoom meeting or a VPN connection issue! This course provides learners with the knowledge, tips, and practices to manage different devices and technologies at home. In addition, it provides practical guidance for purchasing products, contracting for services, and troubleshooting common issues so your day runs smoothly from anywhere in the world.



Work From Home:  Work-Life Balance

Finding a healthy work-life balance—knowing the right amount of time to devote to your work, to your family, and to yourself—have never been easy. And, as more and more people are now working from home, the lines between work and life have blurred, and the idea of balance has grown ever more elusive.

This course will introduce you to the concept of work-life balance, as we know it in the Age of Remote Work. And it will offer you practical advice and tips on dealing with your employer, supporting your family, and caring for parents and other, older loved ones.



Working Remotely

Working from home allows for greater flexibility but requires a thoughtful approach to time management. Scheduling tasks in an efficient way and ensuring a clear boundary between work life and home life are key components of balancing the demands of remote work. This course provides an overview of the skills and strategies needed to achieve a fulfilling, productive remote work routine and healthy work-life balance. Additionally, the course covers interview preparation for remote positions, as well as video conferencing, instant messaging, and email best practices.



Virtual Teamwork

Remote work settings create new opportunities and unique challenges for team members. While virtual environments allow for greater flexibility, team-oriented activities can get lost. The collaboration, creativity, and teamwork that seems to flow naturally in an in-person setting can often feel stilted in a virtual environment. This course examines the pros and cons of remote teamwork and provides strategies for overcoming challenges and promoting team success. Other topics include communication best practices, handling conflict, and goal setting.


Managing Your Time at Work

During the workweek, the calendar fill us fast. After cleaning out the inboxes, tending to personal responsibilities, attending meetings, getting unexpected calls and processing administrative clutter, your window of productivity can slowly disappear. Add to that a tendency to procrastination, get distracted or lose track of time, and time management can become a real problem.




Code: CM1211SP
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