Social Confidence Workbook



After the pandemic people are expressing an array of anxiety around socializing with their peers in-person. Social isolation triggered by COVID made our confidence weaker and our social anxiety reach new heights. According to a recent survey, confidence levels have fallen more than 30% since the pandemic. Perhaps you feel more cautious, concerned, or overwhelmed thinking about social engagements.

Dealing with so many uncertainties and being forced into a virtual setting with no preparation was a lot for everyone.

How do you reduce social anxiety? Many of those who suffer from feeling insecure, shy or anxious anticipate the worst outcomes when it comes to engaging with others (even peers that they know). What many people don’t recognize is that having some anxiety is healthy, we just don’t always know how to handle it. If you learn about how your body responds to fear, you can implement skills to feel more confident.

Some social anxiety is common. The feelings of worry and excitement, fueled by the neurotransmitters dopamine and adrenaline, occur when you anticipate an event that could be fun or fearful. If you recognize this as a biological sensation that almost everyone experiences, your social anxiety may reduce, helping you feel more secure.

If you’re faced with panic, intense emotions or find yourself in a new situation and anxious or insecure, it’s okay. Learning to feel confident in social situations takes time. Practice and awareness leads to ease overtime. This workbook provides the best tips to reduce your anxiety and improve your confidence.

For Educational and Informational Purposes Only.

The information provided in or through this workbook is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. The information in this workbook is not intended to replace medical advice.

Code: C5095WB
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