Managing Change


SKU: f5deaeeae153 Category: Tags: ,


This session helps participants understand the change process, their reaction to change and tools to help themselves and others manage the change. After completing this session participants should be able to name and describe the three stages of change in order to help themselves and others through the change process, identify reactions to change during each stage of the change process, discovering how each person reacts to the change differently, identify appropriate (healthy) and inappropriate (unhealthy) actions to take when managing change, develop a personal action plan for handling a real world change situation, use a 4-step process for communicating and getting commitment from others during change, and practice a real world change situation using the 4-step process for communicating change.


Successful completion of this course will increase your knowledge and ability to:
 Evaluate typical attitudes toward change
 Recognize the signals of change-related stress
 Understand the four parts of the change cycle
 Apply positive strategies for coping with change

Code: A5044SP
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