Growing as a Team Leader / Supervisor Bundle



Aside from the organizational functions team leaders and supervisors perform, such as delegating work and overseeing their teams, they also have a direct impact on:

  • Employee engagement. According to Gallup, the quality of a team leader or supervisor accounts for 70% of the variance in team engagement. So even a small improvement in your skills can have a significant effect on your team’s engagement levels.


  • Job satisfaction. McKinsey has identified that relationships with team leaders and supervisors are the main factor in employee job satisfaction. In this role, you can greatly impact your employee’s workplace experience.


  • Employee retention. It’s often said that people leave managers, not companies. Given that both poor employee engagement and poor job satisfaction are factors in high employee turnover, it’s easy to see the connection. This was confirmed in a survey conducted by GoodHire, in which 82% of workers said they would consider leaving because of poor team management.

These statistics prove that being a good team leader or supervisor makes an impactful difference in the workplace. But how can you improve as a manager? And how can you avoid common mistakes?

This cost-savings bundle provides support in helping you reach that goal. Courses may be taken individually or receive a cost-savings by purchasing the entire bundle.

Bundle includes the following courses:

Handling Workplace Conflict

Taking Control of Conflict: How to Resolve and Minimize Workplace Disputes introduces the different types of conflict, shows individuals how to communicate clearly and tactfully, explores appropriate resolution strategies, and establishes a common-sense approach for preventing unnecessary conflict.


Mental Models: Making Reality-Based Decisions

Each one of us has a perception of reality about how the world works—a mental model that provides understanding, guides thinking, and directs decision making. This course will show you how to examine your mental models to separate fact from opinion, clarify assumptions, and reveal hidden beliefs.


Navigating Difficult Conversations

You can’t avoid these kinds of conversations, but you can learn how to handle them more effectively. Developing the ability to handle these challenges will pay off in terms of reduced stress, increased confidence, improved relationships, increased trust, fewer problems, better teamwork, higher productivity, and better career opportunities.


The Business of Listening

So how can we improve our basic attention and retention? This course will help you improve your listening skills by helping you discern hidden messages, kick distracted tendencies,  listen in emotional situations or groups, and increase information flow to enhance productivity. As a result you will receive messages clearly, build rapport with colleagues, avoid mistakes as a result of miscommunication, and create more positive work environment.


Managing Your Time at Work

Successfully managing your time allows you to work in a more efficient, productive, and valuable way. This time management course teaches you all the skills you need to achieve this and organize your time effectively.


Code: C5240SPB
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