Advanced Professional Development Certificate

Advanced Professional Development Certificate – Course Code H5039SP

How can you make yourself indispensable within an organization? Continue your career development by covering critical education topics to enhance confidence and capability. These courses provide key soft skills necessary for success and advancement options within an organization.


Assertiveness Skills
Assertiveness Skills are crucial to professional development, as well as other aspects of life. Some of these skills include asking for what you need, handling confrontations gracefully, and putting ideas forward with confidence. Not only do these skills improve teamwork, focus discussions, and build relationships, but they also help individuals to become competent, constructive, confident, and perform at their best. Assertiveness Skills provides the skill development, practice, and understanding individuals need to learn to how to be truly assertive.

Learning Outcomes:
• Learn what it means to be assertive
• Recognize the assertiveness continuum
• Identify personal blocks to assertiveness
• Demonstrate assertive language and behaviors
• Know how to avoid using language and behaviors that are not assertive
• Discover how to use assertive behaviors in everyday situations


Ideas into Action
Innovation is usually less about a revolutionary idea and more abut and evolution and execution.  Simply put, the goal of innovation is to introduce something new or to make something better. But that doesn’t mean it has to be complex or difficult. Whether it’s improving customer return policies or developing high-tech products, innovation can happen anywhere in an
organization — and by anyone.

Learning Outcomes:
• Realize the common myths and misconceptions about innovation
• Understand how to apply creativity to any problem or issue
• Discover how to use multiple intelligences to generate ideas
• Learn a four-step process for team innovation
• Understand how to promote innovation without regulating it
• Find out how to spot sacred cows


Mental Models
Each one of us has a perception of reality about how the world works—a mental model. Like an internal hard drive, they provide understanding, guide thinking, and direct decision making. Built from everyday experiences, outside influences, and rewards such as money and success, mental models can be both beneficial and detrimental to success. Just as technology shifts and advances, so does the need for individuals, teams, and organizations to update, flex, and reconstruct mental models to improve performance.

Learning Outcomes:
Successful completion of this course will increase your knowledge and ability to:
• Understand what mental models are and how they influence the workplace
• Identify one’s personal mental model
• Recognize the mental model assumptions
• Reveal hidden mental model biases
• Learn how to avoid typical mental mistakes
• Develop the ability to adjust mental models for better performance


Resilience in Challenging Times
Conflict, change, and stress are a regular part of everyday organizational life. The key to employee survival is resilience, the ability to bounce back after adversity. Being resilient doesn’t prevent tough challenges from happening, but it does provide individuals with the strength and wherewithal to recover and move on time and time again. Developing resilience is a lot like engineering a building to withstand an earthquake. It requires a solid foundation and a flexible structure that won’t crack or crumble under pressure. In human terms, it translates into self-esteem, connections with others, mental agility, and effective coping strategies. Resilience: How to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough offers individuals a blueprint for increasing their resilience. Aimed at developing confidence, support networks, achievable goals, and stress management skills, its part of the Reproducible Training Library, a comprehensive source of customizable training workshops and e-learning programs.

Learning Outcomes:
• Learn how to rebound from adversity
• Build self-esteem as a foundation for resilience
• Establish connections to create a support network
• Develop the ability to accept and embrace change
• Learn how to overcome obstacles using flexible thinking
• Implement stress management and relaxation strategies to maintain resilience


Taking Control of Conflict
Is conflict an ongoing battle in your organization? Apparently, it is for most. A recent study reveals that 85 percent of employees experience conflict at work—a staggering 2.8 hours each week—ranging from mild squabbles with teammates to explosive disagreements between managers.  Let’s face it. Conflict isn’t going to become obsolete anytime soon. But individuals can learn how to handle it maturely and collaboratively with insight, knowledge, and the proper skills. And better yet, organizations can actually benefit from conflict in the form of increased productivity and improved relationships—that is, when it’s managed successfully.  A half-day classroom training program, Taking Control of Conflict: How to Resolve and Minimize Workplace Disputes introduces the different types of conflict, shows individuals how to communicate clearly and tactfully, explores appropriate resolution strategies, and establishes a common-sense approach for preventing unnecessary conflict.

Learning Outcomes:
• Identify a preferred strategy for handling conflict
• Understand the characteristics and drawbacks of five conflict strategies
• Recognize the sources of conflict that most often occur in the workplace
• Learn effective strategies for managing and resolving conflict
• Practice behaviors that minimize tension and conflict
• Discover how to address an issue before it escalates into conflict


Why We Struggle with Tough Decisions
In the workplace, some people get stuck overanalyzing all of their choices—they want a spreadsheet packed with data before proceeding with any decision. Others swear by their intuition and have no data to back up how they arrived at a particular decision. How can you make a high-impact decision that is effective, practical, and successful? By having a clear objective, gathering and evaluating information in a structured way, avoiding common decision traps, and by using your intuition to confirm or question your decision. This course will enhance your confidence and skill at making—and implementing—tough decisions, allowing you to increase your value to your organization and actively contribute to its success.

Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the role that emotions play in decision-making.
• Describe how to make a decision effectively, recognizing key steps to take before, during, and after the decision-making process.
• Identify your values in order to guide your actions, behaviors, and decisions.
• Put into practice various methods for collecting and evaluating information.
• Recognize—and avoid—the most common traps that complicate tough decisions.
• Develop strategies to overcome your concerns about making and implementing tough decisions




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