Category: News

2023 CFTEA Making A Difference Award Winner

Pete Joslin of Northeast Credit Union has been awarded our 2023 Making a Difference Award. The award is based on innovative thinking and inspiration. This year is all about making connections. Pete supported CFTEA through attending community non-profit events put on by the Northeast Credit Union Foundation.    This has led to a number of great connections, conversations, and opportunities. When board members find the right fit for CFTEA in their organizations and community that is a huge win. This type of


2023 CFTEA Spotlight Award Winner

Our annual Spotlight Award recognizes board leaders who provide an outstanding contribution to the organization and community. The award is usually provided to new board members, however, Melissa Greene of Union Bank received this award through her work with HireAbility Vermont and actively making connections with the end goal of attracting new employees to the banking industry in the State of Vermont. The goal has been to provide access to education and learning opportunities to attract and retain new employees


The Art of Saying “No” at Work

As an employee with more on the to-do list and fewer people to help, it can be particularly hard to say “no.” Early on in a career, we could simply say “yes” to everything – to help out and to show off what we can do. Although there may be an advantage to saying “yes” at work, it can quickly lead you to become overloaded and burned out.   Of course, if you work somewhere like the ER or police


Free: Social Confidence Workbook

After the pandemic, people are expressing an array of anxiety around socializing with their peers in person. Social isolation triggered by COVID made our confidence weaker and our social anxiety reach new heights. According to a recent survey, confidence levels have fallen more than 30% since the pandemic. Perhaps you feel more cautious, concerned, or overwhelmed thinking about social engagements.   Dealing with so many uncertainties and being forced into a virtual setting with no preparation was a lot for


2023 Fall Catalog Released

Plan for your future.   The 2023 Fall catalog is all-new, all-different, and provides a strong foundation with a back-to-basics approach that supports an introduction to nearly 40 career paths as well as engaging updates to course options to support professional and personal growth.  Discover what is new in this version of our catalog and remain confident in the options provided through CFTEA.   >> Open Catalog <<


2023-2024 Awards Catalog Released

CFTEA certificates, diplomas, and certifications have been updated. Use this catalog to print any award worksheets that you need!   Currently, working on an award? Students have 18 months to complete the old requirements. Questions? Contact the CFTEA office for support and direction.   >> Open Catalog <<


Welcoming New Board Members

A warm welcome to CFTEA’s four new board members starting their terms on July 1, 2023. Their spotlights over the past few weeks have allowed us to get to know them better and their passion for career development and lifelong learning. Congratulations! You make a difference. Carrie Welch – First National Bank Casey Dillingham – Mascoma Bank Cara Dyer – Auburn Savings Robyn Walters – TowneBank  


Thank You to Outgoing Board Members

A huge thank you to CFTEA’s long-standing board members that have guided the organization from transitioning executive directors to navigating the COVID-19 pandemic to providing strong leadership and updates to CFTEA course offerings and the organization. Kristina McLaughlin served on the Nominating and Personnel Committee as a key member in reviewing applications for board positions that aligned with the needs of the organization. Her work has resulted in CFTEA aligning needs with diversity and inclusion. Margaret Collamorecampbell served on the


Close to Retirement Age? Discover the Facts About Medicare and Supplements

Between television ads and direct mailing – there is a lot of misinformation about Medicare and supplement plans. Got questions? Discover the truth at a free session sponsored by Longevity Planning. To find out more click the image below to be redirected to a no-cost informational seminar Minimizing Health Care Expenses in Retirement with CFTEA’s latest partner.


Take Charge of Your Own Personal and Professional Development

Many employers use a variety of workplace perks, ranging from free food to health coaches, to improve the happiness of their employees at work. This is good business: happy employees are more productive and motivated, as well as more likely to stick with a company. But even without an employer providing fancy benefits, it’s possible for employees to create their own sense of happiness at work. Whether your job is one you feel passionate about or one that you simply

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