Certificate in Leadership for Women in Business (powered by MindEdge)

Certificate in Leadership for Women in Business (powered by MindEdge)

Format:  Self Paced
 Estimated length: 23 hours
 Access Time: 365 days
 2.3 CEUs | 21.25 PDUs

Certificate Description

Nearly half of all working adults are women, and women now make up the majority of students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees. Despite these indications that they have the skills and education to be leaders in the workforce, women are still underrepresented in many areas, and the persistent wage gap demonstrates that their work is often undervalued. This certificate explores both the social and psychological mechanisms that create challenges that professional women often face. Alongside commentary from women leaders, the material also provides concrete and data-driven recommendations for advancing in your career. The courses in the certificate introduce key concepts and practices that all successful business people should be familiar with, thereby serving as a general introduction to topics like leadership, management, communication, work-life balance, networking, negotiation, and body language.

Courses included in this suite

 Estimated length: 3 hours
 Access Time: 90 days
.3 CEUs | 3 PDUs
 Estimated length: 5 hours
 Access Time: 90 days
.5 CEUs | 5 PDUs
 Estimated length: 3 hours
 Access Time: 90 days
.3 CEUs | 3 PDUs
 Access Time: 90 days
.3 CEUs | 3 PDUs
 Estimated length: 3 hours
 Access Time: 90 days
.3 CEUs | 1.25 PDUs
 Access Time: 90 days
.3 CEUs | 3 PDUs
 Estimated length: 3 hours
 Access Time: 90 days
.3 CEUs | 3 PDUs

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