Instructor Spotlight:
Part 1 of 2
Jessi Jaquish
Union Bank, VT & NH


During these unprecedented times, we at CFTEA would like to continue to acknowledge and celebrate the flexibility and adaptability that both our instructors and students have shown. Many of our instructors and students are very comfortable with our live format of classes.

We understand it may be out of their comfort zone to tackle online learning and we applaud those who, even if unsure at the start, rise to the occasion and set a great example of leadership in our organization!

To spotlight just one of these inspirational individuals, we spoke with Jessi Jaquish from Union Bank.

“I enjoy in-person training because everyone brings their own experiences to the class and the conversation grows with everyone’s input.

It has always been my preference because I find that when people are physically in front of you, you can tell if they are really grasping what you are saying, you can see when they zone out and you can change the direction of the class to bring people back and make sure they really understand.

When the restrictions for COVID-19 came out, we only had one class left. Previously, we had one person video conference in to the class and the others had all been in person.

I was overwhelmed with all the restrictions and unknowns. At that point, I had not been told that we could not hold class, but with all of the restrictions I made the decision to finish the courses virtually.”

While the decision to switch to a virtual experience was not an easy one, in part 2 of this interview Jessi describes how she was able to navigate the change and to create an interactive learning plan for her students.

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