CFTEA Council Spotlight
Sherry Norton, VP, Commercial Loan Officer, Business Development Officer
Profile Bank

CFTEA is thrilled to welcome Sherry Norton to the CFTEA Regional Advisory Council. Sherry’s extensive experience and background, including her prior credentials as a CFTEA Certified Teller (This program has been updated and is now called Certified Modern Banking Representative), allows an energetic and positive voice to the educational programs being offered in the community.

Reflecting on joining the council Sherry said, “Having been employed in the banking industry for the last 35+ years in almost every role possible, and as a “lifelong learner”, I am a firm believer that continuing education is critical for both personal performance success as well as the success of the organization that supports their employees with training opportunities.

Having taken many, many courses over the years, I feel that CFTEA offers unique learning opportunities and course studies specific to any role in Banking. I have personally benefited from these classes and have encouraged my direct reports to do the same. By applying real-time financial industry subject matter in an engaging, fun manner, CFTEA and their amazing instructors help to further enhance and hone the skills of their students.  This is a win/win for the employee and the financial institution they work for!!  Becoming a council member will allow me to become more invested in this program and advocate for organizations to encourage their employees toward continued growth!!”

Years ago, as a new supervisor/manager, I was given the opportunity to take the Supervisor’s Certificate Program (This program has been updated and is now called Modern Supervisor Certificate).  This was a lengthy program with one full day of attendance each week for I believe 6 weeks.  (This was in Gray, Maine) During this time, I gained amazing perspective and skills that helped me along the way in my growth as a manager.  It also sparked my interest in continuing my learning opportunities as I to this day, jump at any chance to participate in educational workshops!!  Always striving for personal and professional growth over the years has served me well toward my current success within the Banking Industry.  I love to mentor up-and-coming managers and always encourage them to take advantage of CFTEA and the wonderful programs available.” 

What is Sherry looking forward to most in her leadership role on the CFTEA council? “Working with other amazing individuals with the same love of the industry and commitment to the continuing growth and success of their Teams!!”

Council members provide a strong voice to CFTEA with learning on all sides as opportunities and challenges are discussed and appreciated. CFTEA values adding Sherry from Profile Bank to this inclusive learning community! Welcome aboard, Sherry!

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